Exploiting the proximity of an irrigation canal of the Consorzio di Bonifica Emilia Centrale, the creation of a semi-humid area surrounded by greenery in the Biagi park has been planned.
On 19 April 2023, the project partners were able to see the progress of the works of the semi-wet area planned in the Biagi park and the canal, in the northern part of the park, from which it will be fed.
The canal that has allowed this expansion of the adaptive reforestation project initially envisaged in the Biagi Park, is managed by the Consorzio della Bonifica dell'Emilia Centrale, a public body that mainly deals with the management and distribution of surface water for irrigation purposes for the protection and development of the territory. The area managed by the Consortium is delimited by the Enza and Secchia rivers and extends for approximately 130,000 hectares. The territory is crossed and subject to the influence of the rivers Po, Enza, Crostolo and Secchia.
The visit made it possible to compare Reggio Emilia's water management problems with those of the Murcia region from which the other partners came, and to understand the enormous commitment to water management in Emilia Romagna through a dense network of irrigation channels . And it is the diversion of water from one of these irrigation canals that will allow the creation of an experimental semi-humid area in the Biagi park which will contribute to mitigating the micro-climate by reducing its heat islands.
And following the course of the water and its uses, our guests and partners from the Municipality of Reggio Emilia have also organized a visit to IREN's Mancasale water treatment plant where around 19 million m3 of waste water are treated every year. This is also the first plant in Emilia Romana for the advanced tertiary treatment of wastewater, allowing the reuse of part of it for the benefit of agriculture, reducing CO2 emissions and the extraction of water from other sources.
The plant makes it possible to recover 5.5 million m3 of purified water which is mainly used for agriculture. The complete cycle of treatment lasts an average of 24 hours.
Be water my friend.