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The project for local adaptation to Climate Change recognises the collaborating companies

Life CityAdaP3, headed by the FMRM, will launch pilot actions in the urban environment in Alcantarilla, Molina, Lorquí and Reggio Emilia.

The Federation of Municipalities of the Region of Murcia (FMRM) held today, together with the partners of the European Life City AdaP3 project, an event to recognise the more than 15 companies in the region that participate through CSR in the pilot actions that will be implemented in the municipalities of Alcantarilla, Molina de Segura, Lorquí and Reggio Emilia. This project, financed by the European Commission through the LIFE Programme and by means of public-private collaboration, through the Corporate Social Responsibility of local companies, has as a priority the implementation of collaboration agreements to involve the private sector of the participating municipalities in the financing of actions to adapt to climate change.

In addition to the aforementioned municipalities of the Region of Murcia, the other participants in this project are the University of Murcia, through its Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility, Eurovértice Consultants, and the Federation of Municipalities of the Region of Murcia itself as project coordinator.

Pilot actions

Its budget is 2,302,509 euros, being co-financed by the European Union with 1,148,339 euros. LIFE CITYAdaP3 aims to improve adaptation to climate change in the urban environment, through the implementation of local adaptation plans (PACES), in the framework of the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. The participating municipalities, Molina de Segura, Alcantarilla and Lorquí, already have a climate change adaptation plan, so they will be able to carry out projects such as urban shading, or a bicycle lane connecting the city centre with the industrial estate in the case of Alcantarilla, to encourage walking and cycling and reduce pollution caused by vehicles.

For its part, the action proposed by Lorquí aims to reaffirm the existing headlands in the urban centre, through nature-based solutions, reducing the impact of runoff caused by torrential rains due to climate change. Molina de Segura also aims to become more resilient to these torrential rains by adapting an urban park, incorporating a sustainable drainage system that is capable of retaining the flood water caused by this type of increasingly frequent rainfall that affects its urban centre so much.

The results expected to be achieved in the process of implementing this pilot project are the signing of 12 public-private partnership agreements, the implementation of four pilot actions for urban adaptation to climate change, an investment of at least €50,000 from the private sector, the improvement of urban resilience in three municipalities in Spain and one municipality in Italy, and that this project will provide a benefit over a population of 106,000 inhabitants.

But the project on paper has been exceeded, and already 17 companies have signed an agreement with this project to invest in works to adapt the participating municipalities to climate change.

The mayors

The mayors representing the municipalities participating in this project are clearly the most significant supporters of Life City Adap3. Joaquín Hernández, mayor of Lorquí, said that "my municipality is peculiar because of its orography and therefore the actions will focus on the cabezos and their cave houses, an element that identifies the town for its historical importance and its landscape value. The cabezos of La Ermita, Scipión and Las Polacas have suffered a process of geological degradation that has led to the abandonment of houses in the area or a reduction in the quality of life of those that remain". For this reason, adds the councillor, "the aim of the Lorquí pilot project is to halt this erosive process and implement nature-based solutions to mitigate this situation through the stabilisation of slopes and the restoration of cave houses, to achieve an adaptation to the environment of our surroundings and recover an element so characteristic of our town".

The mayor of Alcantarilla, Joaquín Buendía, explained during his speech that, "the platform that we are going to set up in Alcantarilla is designed to take advantage of every drop of water that falls in the municipality, thanks to the drainage system, while increasing the green mass and promoting sustainable mobility".

For his part, the mayor of Molina de Segura, Eliseo Cantó, commented that, "with the three projects we are developing in the municipality we want to contribute to shaping an ecological and sustainable city, raising awareness among our youngest neighbours, and connecting urban areas with the most avant-garde developments. We also offer recreational areas for the families of Molina".

On the other hand, the president of the FMRM, and mayoress of Bullas, Lola Muñoz addressed the mayors and the more than 50 people attending the event, and stressed that, "the LifeCITYAdap3 project is not just a declaration of intentions, it is a reflection of the commitment of municipalities to advance and offer citizens new ways to adapt to climate change in the urban environment, and my fellow mayors are a clear example of this, as they have made a great commitment and commitment to improve the quality of life of their neighbours, with avant-garde and powerful initiatives".

The companies

All these business entities have been the protagonists of the event organised by the FMRM, together with the mayors of the municipalities, who have presented the actions that will be implemented in their towns. Joaquín Buendía, Eliseo Cantó and Joaquín Gomariz, mayors of Alcantarilla, Molina de Segura and Lorquí respectively. The Italian, Reggio Emilia, has not been able to travel to the region due to the health crisis to take part in person in this event.

For their part, the companies have received recognition for their participation in this project, from the president of the FMRM, Lola Muñoz and the rest of the mayors and councillors of the municipalities participating in this Life project. The director of the Chair of CSR, Longinos Marín, commented that "the business muscle provides a necessary strength to this project, with more than 130,000 euros already contributed by all the companies".

Hidrogea, Plasbel, IFF, Asepio, Endeco, Copele, Acciona, Auxiliares Hermon, Grupo Gam, Serviman, Elsamex, Entorno Urbano, Eversia, Ribera Hospital de Molina, Azor Ambiental, Sercomosa and Trasporti Integrati e Logistica.

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