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The Chair of CSR at the University of Murcia prepares a guide for companies on adaptation to climate

The aim of this document is to provide companies with a simple way to learn how to adopt climate change adaptation measures in the development of CSR and the benefits for their companies.

The CSR Chair of the University of Murcia, a partner in the Life City AdaP3 project, has prepared this guide, the content of which provides information on what climate change adaptation measures companies can adopt effectively but without the need for large investments and how a risk-based approach to climate change adaptation measures can be implemented.

This guide pays particular attention to measures to avoid the negative consequences that climate change can have on the health of workers. It also reveals the advantages or the positive impact for companies of taking these actions.

Another aspect dealt with in its pages is the advantages of public-private collaboration based on the Corporate Social Responsibility of companies to carry out actions to adapt to climate change in municipalities.

Life City AdaP3, counts on these collaboration mechanisms as a key factor for urban adaptation measures.

Download this guide in the "downloadable" section of the website.

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