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life cityadap3 webinar

The chair of CSR of the UMU organised A conference dedicated to this life project as part of its programming of the SDGs of the 2030 agenda.

Objective 11, "Sustainable Cities and Communities", took up the morning to discuss with experts one of the innovations of the Life City Adap3 project for local adaptation to climate change, public-private collaboration. The UMU Chair of CSR today held the webinar "Cities and adaptation to climate change: collaboration agreements between city councils and companies based on CSR".

a change towards sustainability

"We have the opportunity to demonstrate with this project that local entities are capable of creating symbiosis with companies to give real answers to adapt to climate change". Lola Muñoz, President of the FMRM

The event was opened by the President of the Federation of Municipalities, María Dolores Muñoz, and Longinos Marín, Director of the CSR Chair.

On the other hand, the speakers were Manuel Pato, Secretary General of the FMRM; Mª. Dolores Abellán, Researcher of the CSR Chair; Carmen Mondejar, Municipal Environmental Biologist of the Molina de Segura Town Council; Consuelo Romero, Quality and Environment Director of Eversia; Elvira Badenes, Head of the Industry and Environment Service of the Alcantarilla Town Council; Antonio Castillo, President of Endeco and Asepio; Luis Bernardeu, Municipal Engineer of the Lorquí Town Council; and Juan Ángel Carrillo, Director of Grupo GAM.

local CSR

Local entities are currently working on synergies with local companies interested in participating in this powerful project, through investment for the implementation of local actions.

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