The third 'peer to peer' meeting was held for the replication/dissemination of the CityAdaP3 project in other Italian realities on December 13, 2023 at the Municipality of Correggio, in the province of Reggio Emilia. The meeting was attended by both the competent councillor Giovanni Viglione and the manager of technical services Francesco Boni. The presence of the technical level and the political level made it possible to make immediate technical-political connections between the experiences gained by the CityAdaP3 project and the policies in place and in development in Correggio.
The Municipality of Correggio was very interested in the first pilot action and the communication solutions put in place in Reggio Emilia, as well as the environmental education training on climate change issues. There is also interest in deepening the involvement of businesses for an important urban intervention in the industrial area that is being designed in these days; it would be interesting for them to be able to activate PPPs with businesses in the district, in order to make the intervention more adaptive.