The FMRM together with the rest of the partners of the European project that it leads, not only had the visit of the Italian partners, but also a group from Hungary interested in Life City AdaP3 visited the Federation during this coordination meeting for Networking.
About 12 people made up the group to visit the headquarters of the Federation and to be able to explain the project they are carrying out in their region with the idea of combating climate change.
Their municipality, Kazincbarcika, and BorsodChem Zrt., a local company, are jointly developing and managing collaboration mechanisms to promote collective measures to adapt to climate change through the project that has brought them to the region called Climcoop. A Climate Platform will be set up as a coordinating body, a Future Research Group as a climate science interface and a single Climate Fund will be launched to support small-scale, low-cost adaptation measures. These actions focus on reducing local vulnerability by modifying stormwater runoff from rooftops, expanding urban green spaces, converting former industrial sites into multifunctional adaptation assets, creating green zones and updating the city's urban irrigation scheme.
Kazincbarcika and BorsodChem Zrt. are integrating climate change adaptation into their key strategic policies, practices and regulations. The municipality's Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) will be strengthened with adaptation actions, the spatial plan will be enhanced with adaptation measures, a heat wave action plan will be launched and climate change adaptation will be incorporated into key EHS regulations of the local company.
As a unique added value, a prototype for the use of treated wastewater and rainwater will be built and optimised to test a technology that produces water for reuse as industrial raw water and for irrigation of public green spaces, deploying synergistic effects for both the city and businesses. Freshwater consumption will be reduced by 16,000 m3 in the pilot phase, reducing the demand for water from the river Sajó. In this way, wastewater can be reused to recharge urban green surfaces and underground aquifers.
Manuel Pato, Secretary General of the FMRM, presented them with a sculpture of the Cathedral of Murcia as a souvenir of their stay in the city.
The Hungarian group also accompanied the rest of the team on the route through the municipalities participating in LCA3, and showed their special interest in the collaboration manual between local institutions and companies to obtain private funding.