One of the most important aspects of Life CityAdap3 is the creation of public-private mechanisms to finance urban adaptation measures through the participation of local industries and companies from 4 municipalities (Spain and Italy), validating collaboration schemes that can be transferable and replicable at European level. For this part of the project the CSR Chair of the University of Murcia plays a key role in achieving the objectives through corporate social responsibility.
At present there are about 20 companies that are part of this project co-financing the pilot actions in the municipalities, with a record of capital contributed amounting to approximately 138,500 euros.
-Project replication
As explained by the UMU member of the project, María Dolores Abellán, once the pilot actions in the municipalities have been completed, the project enters the phase of replication and the search for the involvement of other municipalities in the region and Spain, as well as the implementation of other actions for adaptation to climate change that expand the objectives of the project itself. To this end, among several strategic actions, an ideas competition will be held among interested municipalities throughout the region, in addition to continuing with the communication actions for the dissemination of the process and results of Life City AdaP3.
On the other hand, Life City AdaP3 will be presented at congresses and specialised events where the partners will present their experience and the most significant aspects. One of the most important professional events in which this initiative will be present will be CONAMA 2022, the National Environmental Congress, the largest environmental meeting in Spain and Latin America.