Operational discussion on project proposals with local companies
The Municipality of Reggio Emilia organized at Spazio Gerra’s premises the third meeting of the Local Stakeholder Group with companies and associations participating in the LIFE CITYAdaP3 project.
The aim of the meeting was to start an operational discussion on the second pilot action that will be funded through the public-private partnership created with the CityAdap3 project. In particular, the Municipality presented some project proposals related to greenery and to the redevelopment of some places in the city and collected further project proposals from companies.
The meeting was attended by 13 people representing the participating companies, in addition to municipal technicians and the Councillor for Sustainability Policies Carlotta Bonvicini.
In the first part of the meeting, the status of the first pilot project was illustrated and a new member company of the Local Stakeholder Group was introduced to the group, bringing the overall number of member companies/associations to 21.
Later on, the municipal engineers presented some projects that the Municipality intends to undertake in the coming years and which could be further developed in adaptive terms.
The rest of the afternoon was dedicated to a brainstorming activity with two working tables, in order to collect companies’ feedback and interest on the projects presented and collect further ideas and proposals that might be candidate as the second pilot action.
The results of the meeting will allow the Municipality to focus on concrete project ideas in the coming months, which will be assessed through the CITYAdaP3 multi-criteria evaluation during the next Local Stakeholder Group meeting scheduled for Fall 2022.