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Adaptation measures and best practices: second webinar for the Italian stakeholder group

The Municipality of Reggio Emilia has been celebrated the second training webinar for the stakeholder group of LIFE CITYADAP3 took place.

The meeting was dedicated to concrete measures and best practices for cities’ adaptation to climate change and it had the purpose to give suggestions to the companies for the coming soon phase of co-design of new local actions.

The first person speaking was Jose Antonio Fernandez Bernal of Municipality of Alcantarilla, who explained what pilot action they are working at inside CityAdap3 project: a multimodal lane that connects their city centre and the industrial area and that takes into consideration, as a priority, the shading of the path and the water management along it.

The second speaker was architect Federica Appiotti from Venice University (IUAV), that went through the different types of adaptation measures: green, blue, grey and soft ones.

The last speaker was architect Giacomo Magnabosco (IUAV), with whom we saw several best practices around Europe and Italy.

The webinar, dedicated only to the companies involved in CityAdap3 and to some Municipality techincians, was a real success, with 23 participants.

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