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Lorquí's infoday brings together 30 companies in search of investors

Updated: May 6, 2021

Life City Adap 3 has held the virtual meeting Info Day, held with about thirty entrepreneurs Lorquí to publicize the European project for the recovery of the hills of the municipality and thus achieve public-private collaboration in this European initiative to combat climate change.

The INFO-DAY, organized by the City Council in collaboration with the CSR Chair of the University of Murcia and the Federation of Municipalities of the Region of Murcia, aims to show the beneficiary projects of the Life program included in LIFE CITY Adap3 to the Corporate Social Responsibility departments of the companies in order to encourage their participation in the development of these projects.

"Your participation here today, that of the companies, is fundamental, as we want to give you the opportunity to work for the benefit of the whole community through your CSR," said the mayor of the municipality, Joaquín Hernández. "Our town is small, but with great aspirations, such as leading ambitious projects related to the fight against climate change and CSR, because the local level can and should serve as a driving force for the community.

This Info Day was attended by the Chair of CSR of the UMU, partner of the LIFE project in charge of advising partner municipalities that are going to implement actions against climate change to achieve the investment of local companies, Eurovértice Consultants and the Federation of Municipalities of the Region of Murcia as project coordinator.

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